The cholesterol is now so low, the doctor can’t believe it: Schwarzenegger was told he was on the verge of a heart attack, here’s what he did immediately!

The cholesterol is now so low, the doctor can’t believe it: Schwarzenegger was told he was on the verge of a heart attack, here’s what he did immediately! Arnold Schwarzenegger claims his diet helped lower his cholesterol.

Arnold Schwarzenegger turned 76 this year. Despite undergoing numerous heart surgeries, he remains physically active today. He recently stunned the world by revealing his eight-decade workout routine, and now he’s sharing a diet he says helps him stay healthy and look younger. After learning he was at a higher risk of heart and brain stroke due to elevated cholesterol levels, Arnold decided to radically change his habits. The renowned bodybuilder initially altered his diet. As he says, he consumed only plant-based foods 80% of the time. He opted to become a vegan, but makes an exception only when the menu includes a Wiener schnitzel! Nonetheless, Arnold believes that meat is not the key to bodybuilding, as many top athletes do.

“It helped me feel healthier and younger, and lower my LDL cholesterol level, which is associated with a higher risk of heart disease. Now my cholesterol is so low that the doctor says I feel like a different person,” notes Schwarzenegger, who trains six days a week. Certain foods, like processed meats, are often linked to increased cholesterol levels. On the other hand, vegetables, especially leafy greens, and foods like whole grains, legumes, and nuts, can help lower cholesterol. “Foods containing high levels of plant sterols, such as avocados and broccoli, can influence cholesterol reduction, but the extent of change varies individually.

We can raise the value of good cholesterol by up to five percent with food, not much.”

The cholesterol is now so low, the doctor can’t believe it: Schwarzenegger was told he was on the verge of a heart attack, here’s what he did immediately! See in comment below


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